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Friday, January 7, 2011

52 weeks Challenge

Good morning my fellow housewives (and anyone else who stumbles across my page). It's a beautiful morning here in the midwest. What more could a woman ask for than to wake up to softly falling snow, temps in upper 20's, and a happy child?

Well actually 70's, sunshine and my nieces and nephews over for an outside day sounds great, just extremely unrealistic for the beginning of January.

Anywho on to my point for this morning. While searching arond the blog universe I stumbled upon An Organizing Junkie. And she has a challange. A 52 week challenge. While I figure all of you highly intelligent beings are capable of reading her specific post on the idea, it is, in a nutshell, to pick a project every week for the next 52 weeks. An organizing project.

Now due to my specific circumstances the way I do the challenge will be a little different. I'm taking on a big project, breaking it down, and including it for multiple weeks. Because I live with my parents and am moving this spring so I can only organize so much before I start packing things up to move them. But it would be nice to find like items first right?

My project for today....

First the shelves above my desk that have become a breeding ground for everything that I want when I move out but have no idea where to put for the time being.

As well as my desk itself that has become the catchall spot in my bedroom.

Now yesterday I spent 20 minute fragments of time in this room. This room has become my terror. I hate going in there at any time. I go in during the day and I get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of STUFF that is in there and my lack of any idea what to do with it. I go in to go to sleep and I spend a good hour thinking of things I could do to make this room better. But the bottom line. I hate it and can never get enough motivation to tackle it.

My other goals (no pics yet) are as follows

1. Clean out my closet (you know that place where things get put until suddenly you don't want to open that door because who knows what they might have morphed into)
2. Organize my dresser (so that everything has a home and I can find what I'm looking for, when I'm looking for it)
3. Organize my storage units (that have also become a catch all for clutter)
4. Organize the dd's dresser and closet (that have a mishmash of size 4T, 5T, and 6\6X clothes...she wears the 6's.)
5. And last but oh so definitely not least, clean out the unused space between the dressers (it's a corner space that has became a catchall for the big junk I have to space for)

Are you catching a trend. Any space I have is a catch all. I have been so busy with school, extern, my relationships, my daughter, and life in general I gave myself permission to not organize. I have 1 week before I head back to work (done with school, now the real world awaits I'm told) and I'd like to have this bedroom done by then. But first, I have a question...

Yesterday, for the sake of space, I went through and took all of our VHS tapes and DVDs and removed them from their cases. VHS' went into a drawer (for the moment, until I find a home for them) and DVDs went into a media case. The cases all went into a big box. Is it realistic to throw the cases or should I store them and move them and store them again? What do you think?


  1. I hate VHS tapes. They are so big and clunky. I actually do get rid of our DVD cases and just keep the DVD in a big DVD/CD case. I got rid of all of our VHS tapes except home movies.

    I wish you the best of luck with your goals! I'm really looking forward to feeling like I actually accomplish something each week!

  2. Thank you. I only keep the VHS tapes that I don't have a copy on DVD yet, because whats the point in buying every disney known to man on DVD when I have the VHS. However I watch garage sales and request them as presents to get rid of my VHS collection. I agree wholeheartedly, they are so big, the space for 2 is the space my DVD case that holds 150 DVD\CDs.

  3. I'm taking the 52 week challenge too!


    Should be fun working through this with others.

    Good luck! :-)

  4. Personally I would get rid of the VHS tapes, actually that is exactly what I did!
